$125.00 per basic page development.
(Complex design and interactive components will be more depending on
the projects. )
$32.00 per hour photo
and graphics work.
(Basic photography, digital enhancement, photo
alteration or adaptation.)
$18.95 per month
Pay for 1 year in advance and get one month free each year.
$20.00 per year
domain name registration.
(We can do this for you on an annual basis if you are a maintenance
Artic Arts Web Design 2011©
M. Martiniuk
PO Box 639, Tok Alaska 99780 Phone (907)244-1816
Outside Links -
Alaska Hunting Adventures -
Frank Entsminger, Wildlife Bronze Art -
Alaska Snowshoe Motel -
TokLineCamp Bed and Breakfast -
Golden Bear Motel and RV Park -
Jessica Cox, JC Jewelry -
Anchorage Daily News -
Alaska Weather -
Financial Calculators -
GMail Login Page -
HotMail Login Page -
Yahoo Login Page -
U.S. Small Business Administration
Give us your photos, wording and any ideas you may have and we can usually design your brochure for less than $300.00.
Try not to fit too much in a small area. We need to have some white space to be able to read easily.
Good clear pictures with high contrast in a digital format (preferrably .JPG or .JPEG) are ideal.
See more design ideas on our design page.